Less Competition = More Market Share

Stop allowing fake, old, and keyword stuffed listings from stealing your ranks.
Eliminate False Competition today.

Crush Fake Listings
Shut Down Old Listings
Revert Back Keyword Stuffers
Disclaimer - There are no guarantees any one listing will be removed or changed.

We level the playing field for your business.

1,000,000+ fake, old and keyword stuffed listings reported to Google.

Built for Businesses of All Sizes
Built for Agencies at Any Scale
100% Turn Key

We made our service with the smallest of business budgets in mind. Whether you're a dog grooming business or a law firm, our service packs the same powerful punch.

We made our pricing with respect to the overall budget of an average marketing campaign. At $59 a month per location for 5 keywords, there isn't anything out there that compares to the price vs value.

Outside the initial 2 minuet setup, you never have to interact with the campaign again. We do all the work for you, every single month.

Read how Local Business Protection won the MEWS+ Entrepreneur of the Year award. An article from The Mews+ talking about Local Business Protection.

By leveraging one of the most powerful white hat audits on the planet.

According to BrightLocal
According to Whitespark

- Only 23% of local businesses spend time reporting spam on GBP.
- More than half of local businesses don't know how to remove spam on GBP.
- Most agencies (64%) do not spend time reporting GBP spam for their clients.
- The most difficult aspect of reporting spam for agencies is tracking or achieving success.
- More than 50% of agencies don't know how to report GBP spam.

Spam fighting saw a 100% increase, from the 10th most important to the 5th most important action one can take when trying to rank in the 3 pack of Google Maps.

What to Expect

Monthly Audits
Daily Status Checks
Zero Work From Your Team

We run scans against your competition based on your Google Map listing and the 5 keywords supplied to us. Every billing cycle, we will run a new scan to see what new competition has entered into your market.

Once the reports are submitted, your dashboard will update with the latest status of what was reported to Google. You will see what is still being reviewed, what was removed, the reason for the removal, and if a listing removed ever returned.

Outside the initial 2 minuet setup, we handle the rest. Our system was built to be 100% turn key and easy for any business or agency of any scale to leverage.

Tired of Losing to False Competition?  Take Action Today