Meet Rosana Mae Asis

Rosana Asis Profile Picture
Competition Auditor
Rosana Mae Asis
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When did you start working with us?
March 25, 2024
What is your top work strength?
My top work strength is my ability to communicate persuasively and effectively. I can also grasp new concepts and adapt to changing situations, which is crucial in today's fast-paced work environments. This adaptability allows me to contribute effectively to the team and navigate challenges with ease.
What are your favorite things to do?
I enjoy reading books particularly Science fiction and Novels. Watching movies is another favorite pastime of mine, and who can resist a good word game? It's like exercising the brain while having fun!
What sort of bucket list items did you have?
I want to travel the beautiful places in the Philippines, indulge in their delicacies and delve into the different culture of the locals.
Who is your hero?
Cliché but I could think of Jesus Christ as my hero, my personal Lord and Savior. His message has inspired countless people around the world to strive for Love, kindness and understanding.
What is your favorite food of all time?
Cheese cake is my all time FAVORITE!

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